If you've ever made jam or jelly at home, you know most recipes require more sugar than fruit—oftentimes 4 to 7 cups!—causing many people to look for other ways to preserve more naturally and with less sugar. Pomona's Pectin is the answer to this canning conundrum. Unlike other popular pectins, which are activated by sugar, Pomona's is a sugar- and preservative-free citrus pectin that does not require sugar to jell.
As a result, jams and jellies can be made with less, little, or no sugar at all and also require much less cooking time than traditional recipes, allowing you to create jams that are not only healthier and quicker to make, but filled with more fresh flavor. If you haven't tried Pomona's already (prepare to be smitten), you can easily find the pectin at your local natural foods store, hardware store, or online.
In this updated and revised edition of Preserving with Pomona's Pectin, you'll continue to learn how to use this revolutionary product and method to create marmalades, preserves, conserves, jams, jellies, as well as new recipes for pie fillings and no-sugar options. The recipes, both sweet and savory, include:
From crowd favorites to intriguing flavor combinations, you'll find endless ways to delight your family all year round.