Type Hard. Type Fast. Make Dough.
That was the formula of old-school pulp fiction—plot-driven, popular and gobbled up by a reading public hungry for more.
And it produced many writers who hammered out a living selling "cash-and-carry" stories and novels. Some of these writers were among the best America has ever produced. Writers like Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammett and John D. MacDonald. Others are numbered among the bestselling authors of all time, including Erle Stanley Gardner, Lester Dent, and Frederick Faust (better known by his pen name, Max Brand).
What were the secrets of these successful pulp writers? And how can any writer, of any genre, use them to produce fiction that sells?
How to Write Pulp Fiction will teach you:
Added bonus! The Start-A-Plot Machine, a brainstorming partner that will help you instantly generate a story or novel idea. You'll never again wonder what to write next.
There has never been a better time to be a writer. By tapping into the vibe of the pulp writers of old, and making use of the tools of publication available now, any hard-working writer has a serious shot at realizing steady income from their fiction.
"James Scott Bell is my go-to writing guru!" - Terri Blackstock, New York Times bestselling writer